N. J. Jayce owens-Boone

pronouns: they / he

m. s. graduate student at wiu

About Jayce Owens-Boone

I received my bachelor's in psychology with minors in criminal justice and sociology from Arcadia University. I am presently a second-year M. S. student in Western Illinois University's General Experimental Psychology program. My research focuses on police-civilian interactions, with specific focuses on cognitive and attentional biases that lend to attributional errors in threat perception and racial bias. My research specific aims in the development of policy reform, training protocols, and intervention application.

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Research Interests

Law Enforcement Social Cognitive Processing

Racial Biases


& Attention


Threat Perception & Responses

Working Memory

& Cognitive Load

Tactical Training & Weapon Confusion




in Academia

I am a Black, queer, trans/non-binary, first-generation, and Autistic/ADHDer researcher in academia, and I want to support those who struggle to navigate this very difficult journey (just as my mentors have been doing for me). I am active on several social media platforms to spread knowledge surrounding life and experiences as a BIPOC and disabled academic. I value openness and transparency when navigating through academia and have been doing so using social media platforms so students who are historically disadvantaged can see that they will be supported by someone.